New Scolarship Instructions

These are the new Scholarship Instructions for 2021 going forward:




Announcement & Launch of the USSV-CF Academic Scholarship Program Application Process and Procedure.


Purpose and Background:


Since its inception the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. (USSVI), most recently through the USSV-Charitable Foundation,  has for more than Fifty Years led as the model of an exceptionally successful effort to recognize the Submarine Veterans of World War I, World War II, the Unending Cold War and the fight to control extremist terrorism across the World. During this period of totally dedicated volunteer based efforts of leaders and teams of men and women who represent these associated warriors and their families has resulted in the growth of their gladly given charity and hard work which has been instrumental in the recognition of the men, the crews and ships of great honor as well as the charitable contributions in the names of children undergoing severe disease and dependents who wish only to achieve great things through advanced education.


As part of this universal effort the USSVI & the USSV-CF Scholarship Committee will continue to make every effort to obtain additional philanthropic donations for the advancement of the generational offspring of the Members of the United States Veterans, Inc. with the sole purpose of assisting the dependents of our everyday Submarine Heroes, both Active Duty and Retired.


The Scholarship Program’s efforts to obtain philanthropic grants, endowments and donations from across the Submarine Community and the Military Industrial Corporations continues.


USSVI believes and is founded on the principles of Honor, Duty, Service and Sacrifice to our Nation and It is for the very significant effort of our membership that the USSV-CF will strive to grow and award increasingly higher value scholarships to more qualified applicants.



 USSV-CF Application Process


This next program academic year, from August 2022 to August 2023, will represent both modernization, change and growth of our charitable efforts through our Web-based scholarship application and award program and a significant growth in donations from organizations and individual membership efforts to support an enduring and unending advanced education scholarship program.


In conjunction with the Web-based Program USSV-CF will coordinate closely with each certified Institute of higher education and all awarded scholarship funds will be deposited in the Scholarship Awardee’s Account at that Institution with instructions that all awarded funds will be applied directly to the Tuition, Room and Board and associated costs administered through the Bursar or equivalent administrative office within that Institution. In the event that the Awardee does not attend his or her registered institution the unused funds will be returned to the USSV CF Treasury.


 Application Initiation Process



The 2022-2023 Scholarship Program and Application Procedure and associated processes will be “launched” and the application website will open for applications on or about 31 October 2021.  USSVI Members in good standing may sponsor a child or grandchild (including legal custody of step children) for application for the USSV-CF Academic Scholarships.




The application software program will require sponsored Student Scholar Applicants to register with their personal email address and associated information. Automated verification will then require each applicant to verify their email address. Once that verification is complete the student scholar may initiate their individual application.


The website address and link are posted below for ease of registration and application.


All completed applications will be reviewed, evaluated and scored by the USSV-CF Academic Scholarship Committee. Upon completion of all evaluations and scoring the USSV-CF Committee will select awards based on a competitive based program focused on academic performance, financial need, letters of recommendation and completion of an essay. Each applicant must show proof of enrollment or acceptance at an institution of higher academic or technical pursuit.


Automated emails to each applicant will assist in guiding the applicant and informing each applicant when they have achieved application completion. Awards and non-awards will be announced by personal letter via email to each applicant. It is expected that the USSV-CF Academic Scholarship announcements will be provided on or before 15 June 2022.


As an additional asset the USSV-CF Scholarship Applicant will also have the ability to apply to the Dolphin Scholarships and associated awards assuming they meet those qualification standards and complete competitive applications. By Teaming with the Dolphin

Scholarship Program USSV-CF believes that applicants will be able to submit additional scholarship applications using the Dolphin Scholarship Program co-located on the Application Website.


 Application Registration


Grandchildren, Children, Legal dependents of Sponsors who are Members in Good Standing” of USSVI or their direct families may register and initiate a Scholarship Application Process.

Current Multi-Year Scholarship awardees must use this web-based application for renewal of their multi-year award.


Please select this website or copy and paste into your website browser to initiate application for a USSV-CF Academic Scholarship: (Only the Student Scholar May Register with his or her personal email - The system will respond with an email verification to the registered applicant, use of a separate email address will result in an unqualified application)

Please Click on the orange link below:

You will receive a navigation warning, Click on "Open in a New Tab"! at the bottom of the warning box|Application

If the above link does not work then copy and paste into your web browser




Rear Admiral Robert E Frick USN (Ret) SS Holland

Chairman, USSV-CF Academic Scholarship Program

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