Rocky Mountain Submarine Veterans

“To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country.  That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation towards greater accomplishments.  Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution”


Meeting Days and Location has changed!

New Location:  American Legion Post #17, 1901 N. Harlan St., Edgewater, CO 80214

Meeting the 3rd Saturday of each month at 1200 with social hour/lunch at 1100.

Park behind the post building and go thru the double doors on the back of the building.

Latest Publications

Click For Current RMB Cavitation Newsletter

Click For Latest Chaplain's Bubblehead Blessings

Video of latest RMB SubVets meeting

Rocky Mountain SubVets YouTube Channel

Video Dissertation by   Clay Decker   click and download desired files!


Next Meeting: Saturday, April 12, 2025

(date change due to American Legion conflict)

American Legion Post #17

1901 N. Harlan St.

Edgewater, CO 80214

Lunch/Social Hour 1100

Meeting 1200

Park behind the post building and go thru the double doors on the back of the building.


March 20 Update

Hey All,

With a sad heart, I have to let you know that Dick Life passed away this morning. We do not have any details on services. Thoughts and prayers for his family. He was a very wonderful and exciting man.




Update From March 15 Meeting

Morning All,

We had a good turn out yesterday with 27 total people showing up and at least eight people contacted me to say they could not attend due to sickness or prior appointments, but will make next meeting. Gene and Sandy Keller were able to attend. It was a big deal for us old members. It has been many years since they could attend a meeting. On top of that we had a new member show up, John Newcomb. He is going to submit his paperwork as soon as he gets with Grant. That is three new members in just two meetings. Good job everyone.


A lot of information was put out yesterday and for those who were unable to attend. The following highlights:


  1. Randall Akers was inducted to the Holland Club.
  2. Awesome speaker, Jack Hunter, retired Master Chief from the Coast Guard. Talked about CG involvement in the Vietnam War. Next month's speaker will be Bill VanHorne, retied Army Lt. Colonel specializing in tank operations.
  3. Dick Meyers was selected for the Honor Bell #2. There is an event in Colorado Springs, March 22nd to honor the 12 veterans selected. Location is 3613 Jeannine Dr. at American Legion Post 209. Time 1500 to 1800. We have about eight to ten people going. If you want to attend please let me know and we can coordinate a car pool. 
  4. We are looking for input on our memorial plaque for our 50th anniversary and to dedicate our new flagpole. We have one input but we need more. 
  5. Working Party to install our new lift onto the trailer. March 29th at 0900, location Dale/Tami's home, 107 Aspen DR, Fredrick.
  6. Honor Bell is doing a fund raiser on 29th of March at VFW Post 9644, location 2680 Hampton Ave.
  7. Last but not least: Our next meeting will be April 12th instead of April 19th. There is a conflict with a state American Legion meeting. SO THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE APRIL 12th AT THE SAME TIME AND LOCATION.



USSVI and RMB award annual scholarships!

Click on the link below for scholarship information:

National and Base Scholarship Submissions:   2025 - 2026

               Holland Club February 15, 2025

Picture from February 15, 2025 before the meeting social hour

Asbestos Alert!

Written by T. Michael Bircumshaw and is in the last publication of the American Submariner on pg. 29.  It is important enough to be read to the members as they may have missed it.  “If you served any time between years 1900 and 2000 and did any time at sea or at certain Military installations, then you have been exposed to Asbestos.  Please get at least a high definition, no contrast needed, cat scan of your lungs.  Do it with a civilian pulmonologist, not the VA, and ask them to specifically look for pleural plaques and interstitial scarring in your lungs.  Once you have finally done that, call me at 951-775-4549.  Call me to tell me the results and we are hoping that your lungs are clean.  But, if like me, you have pleural plaques or/and asbestosis, then I can offer you some guidance on what to do about it.  It cannot be cured, but it can be compensated for, call me.  Don’t make me repeat myself, because I will.  Please do this for you and your family.”

  For more information about " Mesothelioma Plural Plaques " Click on the Red Link

Here are the links of how to make a claim to VA on PACT Act issues.

The first one is off the VA website and it is the actual form to make a claim. It does require you to be registered with the VA health System. The second one is a link to a VFW website to ask for help on applying for a claim. They do step by step instructions. The phone number is the VA hot line to ask VA help in filing a claim. The last is a YouTube on all this information. He is an ex-marine with info on all the agent orange and toxic exposure acts. Good info.

1-800-MY-VA-411 (1-800-698-2411).

SubVets Programs

Rocky Mountain SubVets participates in 3-5 Community parades per year. Click to go to the parades info page to see when and where the next parade will be.

"KAP(SS) for KID(SS)" is a USSVI Community Outreach Program that brings joy to the Children visited as well as to the Sub Vets who visit them! It also provides positive local awareness for USSVI and is in keeping with our organization's creed.

The Holland Club recognizes those submariners who have been Qualified for 50 years or more.

The Events Calendar link will take you to the Events

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