Chaplain's Corner


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Galatians 3:28 -29 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise”.

I am deeply concerned about the division in our country.  It causes me great pain to see families divided over religious or political issues, friend against friend, brother against brother.  The Bible tells us that we are all one in Christ Jesus.  It’s time we started acting like that.

My middle daughter was a social butterfly.  Her tendency was to befriend the friendless.  She would bring home friends who might normally go home to an empty house until parents came home from work, friends with disabilities,

and just the child that was odd.  One of her friends was deaf.  My daughter learned some sign language and played with her.  One child came to my daughter’s birthday party, and no one came back to get her.  She stayed at our house for several days until finally, her mother came home. 

I learned more than I can write from this daughter.  I got to know children that I might not have ever had the opportunity to meet – learn who they were as a person and see their gifts and abilities. 


As a society we are quick to judge and with the internet now available we can tend to believe everything we read and then judge others accordingly.  Might we all consider being like a little child and being more accepting of others, and look for good rather than differences? 

James 1:19 “Take note of this;  Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires”

Hopefully March will bring a few warm days, and we will be outdoors.  Greet your neighbors, be kind to one another, be the one to bridge the gap and make peace. 

May God bless you all in abundance.   


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another”.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you read this passage of Scripture?  Mine is that it is impossible to do.  My second thought is what is love anyway?  Jesus says to love one another as HE has loved us.  Wow!!  Really??  God seems to be asking the impossible here.  God has loved us so much He sent His one and only Son to die for us that we might be redeemed, our sins forgiven. How can we live up to this?

The answer is “We can’t”.  God knows this also.  Sometimes, we can only love others through God.  Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”.  God can and will give us love for the unlovable if we ask.  When we pray and ask God to help us love someone, He will help us.  My father was an ornery, downright mean, person that abused his wife and children.  As I aged and became a Christian I struggled with hatred towards him.  God started by showing me small things in my life that were positive that my dad either did or taught me.  They started to pile up and eventually I had a list of things that he did that were indeed good for me.  I learned to love him in spite of the ugliness that I grew up with.  My hatred for the bad things had overshadowed the good things that he did. 

Maybe there is someone you are struggling with.  Please ask God to help you find positive things about this person and help you get rid of any hatred or dislike for them.  Loving someone doesn’t mean that you approve of what they do or what they did but that you have chosen to forgive them and move on.  Harboring hatred only hurts you.  God wants you to have compassion and love for those around you.  It can bring you peace.

Have a blessed February.  Spring will be here eventually!!


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

For some people, the upcoming holiday season is a joyous time.  For some, this time of year brings different emotions...stress, anxiety, and depression.  What is it about this time of year that brings these

emotions?  I have given it some thought and I come back to “expectations”. 

Society has given us a set of expectations that are unrealistic...the perfectly set table,  good food, lavish decorations, the perfectly clean house, along with the perfectly behaved children and relatives.  Everyone gets along and your favorite team wins the football game.  Yeah!!  These expectations aren’t new.  They’ve been around a long time.

I think of the Biblical story of Mary and Martha in Luke chapter 10.  Two sisters from the Bible and Jesus is in attendance at their home.  Mary casts aside the expectations of a hostess and sits at the feet of Jesus.  Martha is seeking to be a good hostess  (read running around like crazy making sure everything is perfect) and is resentful

of her sister just sitting.  She wants to be a good hostess and have the perfect meal.  When she complains, Jesus tells her that Mary has chosen what is better.  He is inviting her to forget the expectations and know that things don’t have to be perfect.  He is telling her that it is okay if the turkey is dry or the potatoes have lumps or if her house has a little dust here and there. 

Thanksgiving is a time to simply be reminded that Jesus loves us and for us to give thanks for what God has provided.  We are to be thankful for the roof over our head, for our warm bed, the clothes we have, our friends that love us, and most of all, that we have a Heavenly Father that loves us far more than we can ever know.

I pray that you all have a blessed Thanksgiving – whatever it looks like.  Don’t set expectations for yourself that aren’t attainable.  If alone, give thanks for what you do have and that God is with you so you aren’t by yourself.  If with many, don’t expect things to be perfect but be content and give thanks for what God has given you.

1Thessalonians 5:18  “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus  (note – it says “in all

circumstances & not for all circumstances”


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I have a game that I play with my grandchildren on occasion.  It’s called “Would You Rather”.  If you aren’t familiar with it, it is a game that poses a dilemma in the form of a question.  Sometimes there are two good choices and sometimes 2 bad choices but “neither” or “both” aren’t an answer.  You have to chose one or the other – thus “Would you rather break your arm or break your leg?” or “Would you rather eat a dead spider or a live goldfish?”  The kids love playing this game even if it is a bit silly at times.

We also have choices in life.  Many choices!  And they make a huge difference in how things turn out in the end. It made me look at my own choices in life and wonder how things would have turned out if I had made different decisions at critical times.  Of course, we will never know the answer to that as you can only choose one path at a time.

God also gives us choices.  He has given us freewill.  Joshua 24:14-15 “Now fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness.  Throw away the gods your ancestors worshipped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.  But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day who you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living.  But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”. 


We get to choose whether we serve worldly things or the Lord Himself.  I have chosen to serve God.  The question becomes “Would you rather serve worldly things or serve the God in Heaven.”  He awaits your answer.

Fall is upon us.  I can feel it in the air!  Winter will be upon us before we know it.  Enjoy these last few weeks of this beautiful Colorado fall.  God’s creation is full of color this time of year!


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I wrote this many years ago but decided to repeat it this month.  We all need

a reminder that we are responsible for our lives and how we live each day!

The Dash between the Dates

Graveside services were over.  Everyone had left and I was alone. I began to

read the names and dates chiseled here and there on every stone.

The name showed whether it was Mom or Dad, or daughter or baby son.  The

dates were different, the amount the same. There were two dates on every


It was then that I noticed something – just a simple line. It was the dash

between the dates, and placed there, it stood for time.

All at once it dawned on me, how important that little line! The dates placed

there belong to God, but the line is yours and mine.

It’s God who gives this precious life, and it’s He who takes away:  But the line

between He gives to us to do with what we may.

We know He’s written the first date down of each and every one;  And we’re

sure the Hands will write again, for the last date has to come.

The Hands will write the last date down quite soon perhaps for some; But

upon the line between my dates and yours, I trust He’d write, “Well done,

well done”.

No one knows how long their “dash” is.  Please don’t allow life to pass with

such a pace that the days fade into each other.  Take the time to be a part of

your life and family.  Cherish the moments you are given and be thankful for

them.  Time is all we have and we must use it wisely, making every minute

precious and fulfilled.

May God bless you all.   


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Luke 12:15 “Then he said to them, “Watch out!  Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

God gave us the 10 commandments.  If everyone abided by them the world would be very different.  “Thy shalt not covet” is probably the hardest one for me.  It is easy for me to look around and see the talents and accomplishments of others and wish for them.

God taught me a powerful lesson about this commandment.  I had a neighbor that had the most beautiful lawn.  It was lush green, no weeds, no brown spots, perfectly manicures, and when you looked at it you could almost feel your bare feet sink into it.  My lawn wasn’t bad.  It was green and we did try to keep the weeds at bay, but ours was not like my neighbors.

One year there was a sale sign on the house.  The house sold.  Winter came, and when spring came the grass did look beautiful.  It didn’t have that “lush” look to it, but it was wonderful.  By midsummer I started to notice a few weeds peeking through and it had some brow spots that looked like they needed some TLC.  By the next summer, the lawn looked like everyone else’s.  My take-away was that it took lots of hard work to create that lawn.  If I put in the same work, I might have the same results.

Our human tendency is to think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.  Truth is, we all struggle with the same things.  We all have “weeds” in our lives that need to be pulled.  We all need to be “fed” by filling our lives with positive things and reading the word of God.  We all have areas of our life that dry out and need attention and nurturing.

Take time this August to pull the weeds that need to be pulled, water the dry spots in your life, and feed on the Word of God.  Take care of your body, nurture your soul and spirit, and seek to be a blessing to others.

Have a blessed rest of your summer.  Fall is just around the corner!


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I’m having a super busy month so I decided to share this beautiful poem (author unknown) with you.  Hope you enjoy it and it is meaningful to you.

When the storm is raging high, When the tempest rends the sky,

When eyes with tears are dim, Then, my soul, CONSIDER HIM!

When my plans are in the dust, When my dearest hopes are crushed,

When is passed each foolish whim, Then, my soul, CONSIDER HIM!

When the dearest friends I part, When deep sorrows fill my heart,

When pain racks every weary limb, Then, my soul, CONSIDER HIM!

When I track my weary way, When fresh trials come each day,

When my faith and hope are dim, Then, my soul, CONSIDER HIM!

Clouds or sunshine, dark or bright, Evening shades or morning light,

When my cup flows over the brim, Then, my soul, CONSIDER HIM!

Many blessings to you all.  Enjoy your beautiful Colorado summer!


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Colossians 3:12-13 “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

God calls us to be kind and forgiving. It isn’t always easy but a random act of kindness towards you or you doing one for someone else can have powerful effects. The positive effects of kindness are experienced in the brain of everyone who witnessed the act, the person receiving the act of kindness, and in the heart of the person doing the act of kindness.

I have been the recipient of a random act of kindness. I was coming out of a store with an armload of things and was also in a hurry. I dropped an item and a lady stopped and helped me gather my things and then held the door open for me. I found that my mood was lightened by this act and I remembered it for hours afterwards. In our broken world it is easy to get distressed with all the evil going on – until someone does something kind for you. I have also been the giver of a random act of kindness and it effected me the same way! I felt a lightness in my heart and a desire to pray for the person later in the day.

We live in a fallen world and evil abounds. We can chose to dwell on that and our minds and hearts will see the evil everywhere and will serve as a blinder to us being able to see the goodness around us. Yes – there are many good people in this world. In fact, I think that the majority of people are good but we get bogged down easily and don’t see.

Make an effort this month to do random acts of kindness and feel your attitude change and your heart become a bit lighter. It affects not only you, but the recipient, and also the people that witness them.

Have a wonderful month. Be grateful for the things you have and the people you have in your life. Don’t dwell on the evil or the things you don’t have. Practice kindness, forgiveness, and compassion.

Enjoy the summer weather (when it gets here).


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Have you ever heard a song and it got stuck in your head and played over and over? It can be so frustrating. That happened to me recently when I heard the old song “He’s got the whole world in His hands”. I’m sure you all remember it….a traditional African-American spiritual first published in 1927 but made popular again in the last 1950’s.

It has been playing in my head today and has made me think. So many times we lose sight of the fact that God really does have the whole world in His hands. It’s easy to see our friends or our political party or our country in His hands, but this reminds me that He has the whole world – good and bad, enemies and friends – in His hands.

Acts 17:24-27 tells us “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything, because He himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.”

Oh how different this world would be if we could understand God and His dominion over the whole world. Might we treat people differently? Might we see people in a different way? Perhaps there would be less (or no) wars if everyone could grasp this concept. Yes, we disagree with others sometimes but to see our enemy created by God would certainly cause us pause and change our attitude towards them.

As you go about living your life this month and trying to “age with grace”, consider your fellow man and try to see them in a different light. We are more alike than different.

Have a blessed spring as we see the trees and flowers come to life after a long winter.


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

As most of you know, Andy and I were on vacation in February and March. We went to a local church this past Sunday and the message was so awesome I thought I would share it with you. The scripture is in Matthew 25:14-30. In summary, a rich man was going on a journey and called his servants and entrusted to them his property. To one he gave 5 talents, to another 2 talents, and to yet another 1 talent. The first two servants invested their money and doubled it in value. The third servant hid his for fear of losing it. When the master returned, he was pleased with the two servants that had doubled their investment but chastised the one that had hidden his. 

Many interpretations exist for this passage of Scripture in Matthew. Some see it as a monetary lesson only. One interpretation is that Jesus is referring to the talents that God gives each of us. Since this is a parable – a story that God uses to teach us a lesson – it can have multiple interpretations. I choose to see it as how we use the gifts or “talents” that God gives each of us.

The first question is “What has God given you?”

 A musical talent, a gift of compassion, wealth? Consider that everything we have is a gift from God.


Second question “What are you doing with it?”

Are you hiding your talent as the 3rd servant did or are you using it and sharing it with others?

Third question “Are you ready for His return?”

Just as the rich man returned and held the servants accountable for what they did with their talents, so God will return, and we will be held accountable for how we used what we were given.

Fourth question “What will HE say to you?”

 When the rich man returned, he praised the 2 servants that had used their talents by saying “Well done good and faithful servant” but to the third He called him slothful and said He would give his talents to the ones that had used theirs.

We all have been given gifts by God. HE expects us to use them and not hide or let them sit.

May you all have a blessed April as we go into spring and see God’s beauty as it emerges from a long winter.



BY Chaplain Myra Meverden 

I was recently reminded that Daylight Savings Time will be March 10 this year. I hate time change and have for years wanted us to stay on the same time year-round.  A friend suggested that it is all about change in our lives and that some handle change better than others. 

 I realized that I sometimes struggle with change.  Unfortunately, life is all about change….in fact, it is a certainty. Growing up and becoming an adult, decisions about our careers, marriage, children, becoming empty nesters, retirement and entering a different phase of life, the death of a spouse or loved one, a medical diagnosis that changes our lives……the list goes on forever. 

So, how do you cope with change?  I handle small changes fairly well but the big changes, that is another story.  It also seems to matter whether it is for the positive or the negative.  I am struggling to age with grace.  So many changes to deal with as we live our lives.  Change can be scary.  Once we adapt to one change, another quickly follows. 

God has given us ways to cope with change and become more adaptable.  Several Scriptures come to mind.  Psalm 119:115 “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Deuteronomy 31:8 “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” 


The scriptures remind me that God goes before me, so HE knows what I am going to experience before it happens.  He will stay with me and will not leave.  I can lean on Him and not be afraid or discouraged.  His Word shines a light on my path so I can see what to do and where to go.  I can go to Him in prayer and ask for His help. 


As you go through the different changes of life, allow God to shine His word on your path so that you can see where to go.  Ask Him to help you. 

May God bless you all above your expectations. Do not be overwhelmed with change but allow God to help you get through and look for His blessings along the way.   


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I have been a bit overwhelmed lately. A month ago I fell out of my car. My left leg made it, but my right foot got caught on the floor mat and I fell with all my weight on my left knee. I was unable to walk, and the pain was not fun. Then, I learn that my middle daughter is planning on moving out of the state taking my two grandchildren along. Now I am struggling to get my energy back from having a nasty upper respiratory infection. 

A good friend sent me an email this morning. It spoke to my depressed and overwhelmed heart. Psalm 31:7 “I will be glad and rejoice in YOUR unfailing love, for YOU have seen my troubles, and YOU care about the anguish of my soul”.

God cares about the anguish of my soul!! He cares about you also and the things that are causing you anguish. HE loved you so much that HE sent HIS one and only son to die for your sins that you might spend eternity with HIM, free of pain and anguish! Such good news!

February is the month we celebrate Valentines Day, showing our love to one another. As we show love to one another, let’s not forget that God loves us more than we could possibly love anyone. His love is everlasting – it never runs out. His love is unfailing – it never lets you down. His love is faithful – it is always with you. His love is perfect – it has no ulterior motive.

Only God can love you in a perfect way. Accept HIS perfect love and receive eternal life. 

Have a wonderful February and stay warm!!


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

As I write this I am hurting because I sat on the floor for several hours watching the grandchildren open gifts.  My head is hurting because they were screaming and playing. My fingers are tired from going through 3 rolls of tape wrapping the gifts that were opened in seconds.  I’ve spent hours in the kitchen for several holiday meals (with one more to go) and I am really in need of a couple of days off the merry-go-round. Did I enjoy the holidays? You bet I did!! I loved it all – but after everything is over and reality sets in, I realize I just need to do nothing for oh, maybe a week or two!! I’m sure you have never felt that way (smile).

The new year is upon us. I don’t make resolutions, but I do look forward to a new year, a fresh start. I get excited to see what this new year will bring. A review of 2023 reminds me the changes a year can bring – some good, some painful. I am hopeful that 2024 will bring more blessings than heartaches. 

Where do I get this hope? Psalms 33:20-22 “We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His Holy name. May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.”

We live in a world with great uncertainty. Our nation is in turmoil, as are many other places in the world. God is the constant in life. He never changes and He only wants the best for His children. He has a heavenly home prepared for us. I am not afraid and I pray you aren’t either.

May you all find peace and hope this year. None of us have a perfect life as we are not perfect people, but God is always there to lean on, to talk to, and to love us no matter our faults.

Look forward to this new year that God has given and let Him be your living hope.

Love and hugs to all. 


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Acts 20:35 “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said; ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’.”

As we approach the Christmas season I frequently remember a time in my childhood when my dad suggested us kids forfeit a gift so that we could financially afford to provide a few gifts for a family with little kids that had nothing. We agreed to this and my dad let us help buy gifts and also help anonymously deliver them to this man’s front door step on Christmas eve. It was truly a “hit and run” as my dad sat the bag on the front step and then made it back to the car before the man opened the door. I can still remember sitting in the dark car watching the man’s face and his puzzled look as he picked up the bag and took it into his house. I had such a rush of emotions as it sunk in to my 10 year old head that we had just provided for some children that would have been disappointed on Christmas morning. Such an impression that it is still vivid 67 years later. I learned the meaning of the above scripture at a young age. 

As we approach this season let us be mindful that we are truly a blessed group and remember those that have little to nothing. Christmas is about the birth of God’s only son Jesus. What a beautiful gift God gave us. 

There are those in our midst that struggle during this holiday season. Many struggle with financial problems, the loss of a loved one, poor health, or being estranged from family. Please reach out during this time and offer encouragement, a meal, or to share in your own family traditions. Let’s also remember our Jewish friends as they celebrate Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a time when Jews celebrate the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem after the Maccabean revolt. Candles are lit, gifts are given, prayers are said. Israel is under attack now and need our prayers and caring. 

May all of you have a wonderful holiday celebration with family and friends, No matter the circumstance we all have much to thank God for.     



BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

November can be a busy month for many. Preparations for Thanksgiving and feeling the need to prepare for Christmas that is coming quickly in December can make the most organized of us feel hurried. I love the story from the Bible of Mary and Martha as it puts things in perspective for me.

Luke 10:38-42 “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparation that had to be made. She came to him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me’. ‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her’. “

I don’t think that Jesus was telling Martha that her work and preparation wern’t important but that she had her priorities wrong. A spotless house, a perfect meal with all the trimmings, all these things are great but spending time with friends and family, or spending time alone giving thanks to God for your many blessings, is the “better” way. 

This year may be the time to put more importance on being thankful for what we “have” instead of what we “don’t have”. Many in our group are alone, some still have large families close by, and some are struggling with health issues. Make this a time of year for the “better” way – that of thanksgiving for the many things that God does give us…..good friends, a place to live, food to eat. Make your own list of things you are thankful for.

Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be about what the world tells us it’s about. God tells us to be thankful “in” all things. We can do that. For me, I am thankful for a God that cares for me, provides for me, and loves me without condition. This gives me peace no matter the circumstance. Let Him give you peace and a thankful heart this year.   


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

God gave us the 10 commandments. If everyone abided by them the world would be very different.

“Thy shalt not covet” is probably the hardest one for me. It is easy for me to look around and see the

talents and accomplishments of others and wish for them.

God taught me a powerful lesson about this commandment. I had a neighbor that had the most

beautiful lawn. It was lush green, no weeds, no brown spots, perfectly manicures, and when you looked

at it you could almost feel your bare feet sink into it. My lawn wasn’t bad. It was green and we did try

to keep the weeds at bay, but ours was not like my neighbors. One year there was a sale sign on the

house. The house sold. Winter came, and when spring came the grass did look beautiful. It didn’t have

that “lush” look to it, but it was wonderful. By midsummer I started to notice a few weeds peeking

through and it had some brow spots that looked like they needed some TLC. By the next summer, the

lawn looked like everyone else’s. My take-away was that it took lots of hard work to create that lawn. If

I put in the same work, I might have the same results.

Our human tendency is to think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Truth is, we all

struggle with the same things. We all have “weeds” in our lives that need to be pulled. We all need to

be “fed” by filling our lives with positive things and reading the word of God. We all have areas of our

life that dry out and need attention and nurturing.

Take time this August to pull the weeds that need to be pulled, water the dry spots in your life, and feed

on the Word of God. Take care of your body, nurture your soul and spirit, and seek to be a blessing to



BY Chaplain Myra Meverden


For those of you who know me, you know I love to read. I just finished reading a book about a holocaust survivor. He said that while he was in Auschwitz that the big question was “Is there a God?” No one had the answer. Somebody said maybe there never was a God. Someone else said maybe there once was a God but He resigned. Someone else said He’s not paying attention to us anymore. He said the answer became clear once he was liberated and had a job that required him to take an airplane trip.

It was a rainy, cloudy day. The plane took off and it went up into the clouds, and then it got over the clouds – and the sun was shining. He said it was a beautiful day above the clouds, and that reminded him that God was always there. He was telling him “I’m up here”.  In that one split second, he was reminded that God never left.

As for me, I have times when I feel God’s presence almost as if He were standing next to me. Other times I wonder why I can’t feel His presence as much. The Bible tells us that God never leaves us nor forsakes us. Many times when God feels far away, it is us that moved away – God is still there. He always will be. 

We live in a sinful world and it can be difficult to stay connected to God yet He tells us in Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”.  

Life can have its tough times but we have a loving God that is willing to carry our burden and give us rest. I need that in my life. 

I pray you all have a wonderful June as we enjoy some of that beautiful Colorado summer weather! Enjoy God’s beauty in this season.       

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

It’s spring! My favorite time of the year. I love planting flowers and watching them grow and enjoying their beauty as I sit on my back patio.

Many years ago I remember that we had an unusually gloomy spring. It was cloudy and cool most of the time. It took what seemed like forever for the warm sunny days to come.

I noticed that even though I had planted my flowers that they just didn’t grow very well. They were smaller and the blooms were few. It finally occurred to me that plants have to have sunlight to grow and thrive. As summer progressed and the sunlight returned so did the beauty of my flowers. Every day, the sun rises to warm, illuminate, and provide growth on earth. The moon and stars light the night. We reach for the light switch when we enter a dark room and we depend on our accumulation of knowledge to shed light onour lives. Light is essential.

John 8:12 says “When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life”.  In this passage of scripture we find that Jesus says that HE is the light of the world. We need His light to grow and thrive.

As Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus in a few weeks, consider asking Him to be your “light”  that leads your way. We live in difficult times and need His light to guide us.

May you all have a blessed time celebrating this year with your family and friends. We do not have to walk in darkness.

May God bless you all.


 BY Chaplain Myra Meverden


I grew up in south Alabama and had many friends that had farm animals. Sheep, goats, donkeys and

chickens were a common site. I was always told that sheep were really dumb. I have no idea if this is

true but I do know that sheep tend to follow each other. They have no way to defend themselves so

will always make an effort to follow each other in order to form a group where it might be safer.


Herds of sheep need a shepherd. A shepherd leads his flock to good food, watches over them and

keeps them together, protects them when a predator comes close, and cares for them when they are

sick. They are dependent on the shepherd for everything and even learn to recognize his voice.


How appropriate it is that the Bible says that the Lord is our Shepherd. Psalm 23 “The Lord is my

shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in

paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of

death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a

table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the

Lord forever”. God is our shepherd - our provider, our protector, our healer, and through Him we will dwell in His

house forever. It brings me comfort to know that God is watching over me and knows what I need

before I know I need it. I can see His hand on my life even when I was a child and didn’t know Him. Take

comfort in knowing that you are loved and cared for by a heavenly Father.  


May this month be one of many blessings for you and your families.

                                           February 2023 BUBBLEHEAD BLESSING
                                                                                         BY Chaplain Myra Meverden
Being alone and feeling lonely are two separate things. It took me a while to figure this out. I enjoyed being alone and couldn't understand why people complained of being lonely. It took my first husband leaving me abruptly. I was left with a lot of debt and a demanding toddler. No matter how busy I was or how many people were around me, I felt lonely.

It didn’t take me much time to realize that I didn’t mind being alone but being lonely was an awful feeling. I can still remember going shopping and seeing couples everywhere...I envied them so much.  If you think Jesus doesn’t understand loneliness, you are wrong.  Jesus was despised and rejected by the people He created. He experienced loneliness throughout His entire life. He knows what it is like and he wants to relieve your loneliness. Isaiah 41:10 tells us “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”.

You always have someone with you – Jesus – that understands you and your situation. He will listen to you without condemnation or judgement and will never leave you or forsake you. Greet Him in the morning when you wake, talk to Him throughout your day, and thank Him for His love and care before you go to sleep.

May you find peace and contentment in this life through a relationship with Jesus.  Many blessings to you all. Stay warm and
safe....spring will be here before you know it!!


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Revelation 22:13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End”

As finite humans, we understand God linearly. We understand that there are beginnings and endings. We understand life cycles, that we are born, we live, we’ll all physically die. Seasons come and seasons go. In the last book of the Bible, Jesus reveals himself as “the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Present at the world’s beginning, He will be present at its end.

But what about the in between part? Is God just at the beginning and the End? Sometimes when things aren’t going the way I anticipated or want, it causes me to wonder where God is. Joshua 1:9 says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”. God was present in the beginning, is with us now, and will be there at the end. 

As we start a new year, let us not lose sight of the fact that God knows what this year will bring. The good, the bad, ups and downs. He knows and He will be with us every step of the journey. 

God has brought this group of shipmates together that we might help and encourage one another. We are to be a support to one another and to encourage each other when life is rough. As this new year begins, look around and find a shipmate that needs some encouragement, a visit, a card, or just your presence. You will be truly blessed and so will they.

May you all find the Alpha and the Omega this year and find great peace and joy.


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Luke 17:26-29 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all”

In the days and weeks before Hurricane Ian made landfall in Ft Myers/Sanibel many people went about business as usual. Some prepared, some didn’t. Many prepared their homes and then they left for safety. Some decided to take a chance that it “wouldn’t be as bad as expected” and decided to ride it out. Many were not prepared at all.

We all are aware that physical death is inevitable. Are we prepared? Some are, some aren’t. It is difficult sometimes to prepare when it is 80 degrees and sunny outside, we are healthy, and have no pressing issues in our lives. However, the end will surely come regardless of what “today” is like. So, how can we prepare? 

I believe that only Jesus offers us life beyond the grave. John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him”. 

To prepare for the end of this life, and it will surely come, we must heed the words of the Scripture given to us.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. We all have much to be thankful for. We are a blessed nation. Be prepared for eternal life through Jesus.


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

In July 1982 an earthen dam in Rocky Mountain National Park failed. The sudden release of 30 million cubic feet of water resulted in flash flooding that killed 3 people and caused 31 million dollars in damage to the town of Estes Park and other downstream areas. The dam’s difficult location made it difficult to conduct inspections and lack of repairs and caused the dam to eventually collapse.

I remember this well. My youngest was exactly 3 months old at the time and we frequently spent time in the park enjoying its beauty. When things finally settled down and it was safe to go, we went to see the devastation for ourselves. Massive boulders and large trees had carved a v-shape path down the mountain, across a road and into a valley. Last month we were visiting the park and went by the area. Beautiful wildflowers were in bloom, trees have grown back and the valley is lush again. Time has brought healing to this area and it is more beautiful than before. 

I have had a few times in my life when I thought I would never be able to recover and return to “normal”. God has rescued me each and every time. Here I am, living the life, a Chaplain and friend to some of the most awesome people I have met in my life. God can and will make the disasters in our lives into something worth living for if we let Him.

When you are at your lowest, turn to God and He will help you. Isaiah 41:13 “For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you”.

God knows each one of you. He is but a prayer away. 

Many blessings to you and your families. Enjoy the rest of the summer.


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

As I age, I find myself wondering how I ended up where I am today. What if I had been born to different parents? Been born in a different country? Born in a different state? Not gone to nursing school or followed my friend to the Air Force recruiting office? 

Our lives are much like a maze – a decision at every turn. Which way to go? We think about the consequences of each turn but will never know how our lives would have been if we had taken a different path. Many things happen to us that seem coincidental but God’s word tells us differently.

Proverbs 16:9 “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his step”.   

God’s path for your life has shaped you into the person that you are today. Yes, we make bad decisions, but God can use them for our benefit. To teach us a valuable lesson that will shape who we are. 

I am who I am, not because of my decisions in life, but by the way that God has used my decisions and the consequences of those decisions to shape me and mold me into who I am. I can look back and see the times HE protected me by guiding me into a decision I would have never made. 

We shouldn’t dwell on the past but sometimes it can be encouraging to look back and see the times and ways God directed you or turned a poor decision into a beneficial learning experience. 

God sees you and knows your needs. Pray each day that HE will continue to guide your path in the way HE wants you to go. 

Many blessings to you all. Enjoy each day that God gives you.


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Sometimes God seems far away. I can remember as a child that I often wondered if there was a God then where was he. I knew friends that believed in God and told me of wonderful things He was doing in their lives. I couldn’t see it. I was living in a hell on earth and a loving God was nowhere in sight. How could I ever believe in a God that would ditch an abused child?

I became a Christian at the age of 31. I was skeptical but decided to pray and ask Him to come into my life anyway. I was not really expecting anything. I was a stay-at-home mom to three busy girls and life was very routine. However, I started having very vivid dreams from my childhood. I would almost look forward to the next night so I could dream some more. 

It soon became clear to me that God was definitely by my side when I was a child. He saw it all.  Had dreams showing me times HE had protected me on many occasions and saved my life on more than one occasion.  I saw several people that HE put in my life that encouraged me and helped me along the way – even though I didn’t see it at the time. These dreams made a dramatic difference in my life and allowed me to see the hand of God on me. It strengthened my belief that there is indeed a God. He is in control even when we cannot see it.

Sometimes God feels far away. Especially when we are sick or lonely or in a major life crisis. We read in Romans 8 that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. So why does it sometimes feel like we can’t find HIM when we need HIM?

None of us are free from sickness, pain, suffering and hard times when we are on this earth. When our troubles overtake us we can tend to focus on those instead of God and we forget that HE is right there with us! He can seem far away but truly HE is with us. Isaiah 41:10-13 tells us “Fear not, for I am with you; by not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

I know many in our “boat” are having health issues or are in difficult circumstances. Know that GOD sees you and is with you. Look for HIM in your life – HE is there. Talk to HIM and share your concerns and HE will be faithful to lead and guide you.

Jesus loves you – HE is beside you – look and listen for HIM.

Have a wonderful May enjoying the beauty of things coming back to life after a long winter.     


By Chaplain Myra Meverden

The Easter season presents us with a question that is fundamental to those who call themselves Christians. Who is Jesus? Who is this person that 2,000 years after his birth is still making headlines?

There’s Democrat Jesus – for reducing our carbon footprint. Republican Jesus – against tax increases. Therapist Jesus – who helps us cope with life’s problems and tells us how valuable we are. There’s Starbucks Jesus – who drinks fair trade coffee and loves spiritual conversation. There’s Open-minded Jesus – who loves everyone all the time no matter what. There’s Touchdown Jesus – who helps athletes run faster, jump higher, and determines the outcome of the Super Bowl. There’s Martyr Jesus – a good man who died a cruel death so we can feel sorry for him. There’s Gentle Jesus – who was meek and mild, with high cheek bones, flowing hair, and walks around barefoot. There’s Hippie Jesus – who teaches everyone to give peace a chance and helps us remember that “all you need is love”. There’s Yuppie Jesus – who encourages us to reach our full potential, reach for the stars, and buy a boat. There’s Spirituality Jesus – who hates religion, churches, pastors, doctrine, and would rather be out in nature, finding the god within. There’s Platitude Jesus – good for Christmas specials, greeting cards, and inspiring people to believe in themselves. There’s Guru Jesus – a wise, inspirational teacher who believes in you and helps you find your center. There’s Boyfriend Jesus – who wraps his arms around you and sings about love. There’s good example Jesus – who shows you how to help people, change the planet, and become a better you. * 

And then there’s Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Not just another prophet. Not just another Rabbi. He is the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world. This Christ is not a reflection of the current mood or the projection of our desires. He is our Lord and God, Savior of the world.

Jesus asked Peter in Matthew 16: 15-16 “But what about you?” He asked. Who do you say I am? Peter answered “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”.

I wish you all health and happiness as you not only remember the death of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins, but also rejoice at the resurrection of Jesus that we may have eternal life with HIM.   


*adapted from article by Kevin DeYoung


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

A friend shared this with me. I don’t know where she got it but I thought it was good enough to share.

The 4-leaf clover has become a symbol of St Patrick’s Day. They are exceptionally rare. Opinions vary, but generally you have about a 1 in 5,000 chance of finding one. Legend says it is a sign of good luck.  However, each of the 4 leaves represent something special: one each for hope, faith, love, and luck .

HOPE         Green is the most popular symbol associated with the day. It didn’t used to be true.  St Patrick himself is thought to have worn blue for much of his life and the Order of St Patrick, (a fraternity of knights founded in the 17th century) adopted the color blue also. So why the color green? Green was the color of those who sought Irish independence. In the 17th century, more and more Irish people began hoping that one day they would have their own country, free of dominion under a foreign crown. They wore green as a symbol of Irish identity.

LOVE         St Patrick’s day is not only a celebration of the saint, but of all things Irish. St Patrick isn’t the only patron saint of Ireland. Another is Brigid of Kildare – a remarkable woman. She was born into slavery in the 450’s. She showed amazing love for those who had less than her. She took opportunity to feed, heal, or comfort the poor. Some stories claim she could replenish by praying to God. One tells of a time when she gave away her master’s entire store of butter. He tried to sell her to a king. While he bartered, Brigid gave away his jeweled sword to a beggar so he could sell it to buy food. When the king saw this, he decided she was holy and commanded her master to set her free.  Brigid devoted her life to charity. She founded a monastery to ensure women and the poor had a safe place to worship. When Brigid died in 525, she left behind an incredible legacy of compassion, charity, and most of all, love.

LUCK          “The Luck of the Irish” is a common phrase. This saying originated in America, not Ireland. – and was initially meant to be a slight, not a compliment. Back in the day, the Irish faced strong discrimination. Often when someone spoke of the “Luck”, it was spoken with derision. An insult. As decades passed, the opposite became true. Now it often refers to someone who has succeeded through their wits, cleverness, and perseverance. Given how much Irish immigrants have had to overcome – including both prejudice and economic hardship – we’d say those qualities describe the Irish pretty well.

FAITH    Often confused, shamrocks and 4 leaf clovers are not the same. Shamrocks are standard 3 leaf clovers. Its importance is what they represent. In the late 1700’s Irish revolutionaries adopted the green shamrock as their emblem. They had shamrocks on uniforms, flags, and in their songs. The shamrock goes back to St Patrick himself. Legend has it that when he first began preaching Christianity in Ireland he used the shamrock to illustrate the concept of the Holy Trinity. Over time, Patrick became the patron saint of Ireland and eventually, like the shamrock, a symbol of Ireland itself.

As you see, there’s more to St Patrick’s Day than simply throwing on a green shirt or eating corned beef. It represents the hope, faith, love and perseverance of an entire people. It’s a day for all of us to practice those things as well. A day for us to treasure and enjoy.

Many blessings and good health as we start spring here in the Rockies.


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I remember when I was a child….the oldest of 4 girls….and we would play for hours outside every day in the summer.  If we did something wrong it made it back to our parents before we did.  Our home phone was shared with 3 other families so we had to get along so that we could all use it when we needed to. Many mothers didn’t drive so families had to work together to make sure the kids got to activities.

I look around me today and can’t believe what I see.  Hatred, violence, disrespect, division.  We have strayed so very far from the foundation of our country.  We are “One nation, under God…” but you would be hard pressed to find much evidence of that these days. 


We find how to live in Romans 8:10-18 “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another above yourselves.  Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Share with God’s people who are in need.  Practice hospitality.  Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.  Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.  Live in harmony with one another.  Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.  Do not be conceited.  Do not repay anyone evil for evil.  Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.  If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”


February is the month that is associated with love.  Let us be a part of the solution to our current world situation instead of part of the problem.  Set the example for those around you. 


May you all have a blessed month, living in harmony with those around you.

                        JANUARY 2022 BUBBLEHEAD BLESSING

                                    BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

This cartoon pretty much sums it up.  What’s on the other side of the door?  I am a person that likes to know how the book ends before I begin.  Just tell me the final score of a football game and who wins and I can sit back and enjoy watching the game.  Uncertainty makes many of us uncomfortable. Yes, we can make bad decisions that we have to live with but truly God is in control of our lives if we believe in Him.  Things change so quickly and can happen suddenly.  I have had to learn to deal with change as it is something that is not easy for me. 

Deuteronomy 31:8 “The Lord goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged”.  

We are not to fear the future….God is already there.  He walked with us yesterday, He walks with us today, and He will be there with us tomorrow.  

I have no expectations of 2022.  I am prepared to take it as it comes. 

A quote from Benjamin Franklin:  “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man (woman)”.  These are words of wisdom from one of our founding fathers. 


May you all go into the new year with expectation that God is already there and will guide you and be with you every step of the way.  God loves you and has a plan for your life….let Him live through you this year.  Celebrate the many things God has given you.

May God richly bless you all in the coming year.  


                       By Chaplain Myra Meverden

Who is God to you?  Is He your provider? Protector? Someone to go to in times of trouble?  God offers many wonderful things –  free of charge.  Although sometimes circumstances can be difficult or hard to understand, it doesn’t mean that God isn’t there. This holiday as you are busy buying gifts and doing the never ending chores remember that only God can give you strength and peace. 


My youngest daughter had a close brush with death about a month ago.  She survived by the grace of God and the prayers of many.  My life has been anything but peaceful this past month.  My initial reaction was severe anxiety but I realized that I needed to turn to the scripture and my relationship with Jesus for comfort.   It didn’t fail me. 


Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”.

This month Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  Our Jewish friends celebrate the Miracle of Lights – Hanukkah.  We can easily get too busy doing the “things” of the season and forget the “reason” for the season.  Keep your eyes focused on the reason and you will find peace and comfort.  

May you all have a wonderful Christmas/Hanukkah celebrating with your friends and family.  God is truly the only gift we need.   

November 2021 Bubblehead Blessing

Today, on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, please take a moment on this Veterans Day to remember 26 million living Veterans who honorably served our great nation, a free Republic at home and on foreign fields of combat, and sought no special recognition following their dedicated service.

We also reflect upon a new generation of patriotic military personnel who wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives" and “Go in Harms Way” daily, Combat Warriors who gave the full measure of devotion to their country and those heroic Combat Veterans who were permanently disabled. 

Bless those who serve beneath the deep. Through lonely hour their vigils keep. May peace their mission ever be. Protect each one we ask of Thee. Bless those at home who wait and pray.

 May God continue to bless our warrior heroes and all those who sleep on eternal patrol beneath the restless waves and sweet earth.

Not a day goes by that we all remember to be forever grateful for your service to our country. It is an honor and a privilege to know you. Thank you from all the non-veterans that appreciate you and love you at RMB.    Joanie


By Chaplain Myra Meverden 

Exodus 17:9-13 “Moses said to Joshua ‘Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands’.   So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went to the top of the hill.  As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.  When Moses hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it.  Aaron and Hur held his hands up – one on one side, one on the other – so that his hands remained steady till sunset.  So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.”   


This is one of the great battles fought by the Israelites as they crossed the desert in the wilderness.  You all have been witness to this scripture in action in our group this past month or so. Our Base Commander was “out of commission”.  I saw the shipmates around him, holding him up and supporting him so that this base functioned as well as it ever has.  Where there was a need, someone stepped into fill it.  No one complained and no one had to be begged – you saw what needed to be done to make our Grayling Memorial a memorable affair and to honor our fallen shipmates a success, and you did it.  No worries about who got the credit, because in the end you all got the credit for a job well done.


The Old Testament has many wonderful stories and we can use them to understand better how to deal with current situations.  They provide us with insight and helps in our daily lives.  The honorable submarine with her crew exemplifies this battle.  You all had to know the job of everyone so that you could do it if the need arose.


Well done to all of you.  You are a testament in this chaotic world of what it means to pull together for the good of all.


You all are awesome! Many blessings as we head into a new season.         


By Chaplain Myra Meverden

I must admit that I am going through a period of spiritual discouragement and exhaustion. Andy and I have been diligently trying to help Andy’s interpreter family get out of Afghanistan. I have prayed until I could pray no more. Trusting God to get them out, asking God for a miracle, and yet the family and younger brother remain in Afghanistan. They have been beaten and threatened. 

I realize I have a choice.  I can either wrap myself in discouragement, or draw strength from an unchanging God. Hebrews 13:8 tells me “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”. When I remember this verse I am refreshed because I know that Jesus performed many miracles while He was on the earth. Far greater miracles than getting Tem’s family out of Afghanistan.

As humans we are talented at throwing a good pity party. We are easily discouraged. God knows we are human and He has given us His word to encourage us. Deuteronomy 31:8 tells us “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged”.   

In troubling times it is important for us to remember that God never leaves us. We may walk away from Him at times, but He is always there waiting for us. It is also important that we remember that God can and does miracles. God is a mighty God and able to carry our burden. He makes our burden light and gives us peace.

May you all find comfort in God’s word in your time of need. 

May God bless you all richly as we head into the fall – a time of change. 


By Chaplain Myra Meverden

I recently heard the poem “Dash Between the Dates” again. For those of you unfamiliar, it refers to the little dash (-) between the date you were born and the date you die. The 2 dates are determined by God but the dash is our lives and what we do with them. I’m sure all of us want a good life, to make a difference in this world, and to leave it a better place for our children and family. But what is a good life? I found some guidelines from the Scriptures. I have them listed below.

People like to think they have more control than they do. In truth, God is in control. Once we come to terms with the concept of letting go then living the adventure gets easier and we find peace and joy. 

Prayer is essential. This is the main method of communication with God. Give your problems to him and make your burden lighter. 

Doing good deeds for others is instrumental to living a good life. You truly do get more than you give. Jesus was a servant and so we are to be.

Watch your words. Words do hurt. The scars and bruises are not visible, but they are 100% there. I Peter 3:10 says “If you want a happy, good life, keep control of your tongue, and guard your lips from telling lies.”

Sacrifice does lead to a good life. Not to shock anyone, but life isn’t always about you. It requires sacrifice on our part to live a life of service to others. In turn, we find great joy.   

I’m sure my list isn’t comprehensive but it is a start. I pray this does give you some things to think about and consider. I don’t want to get to the end of my life and have regrets. Start today to live a life that is not only pleasing to God but also is a blessing to those around you.

Many blessings to you all as you enjoy this last month of summer. 


By Chaplain Myra Meverden

This 4th of July Andy and I went to our usual spot to watch the fireworks display.  We always go to Black Hawk – the best that we have found.   This was our 3rd year in a row to go.  To our dismay, we got there early and realized that the town was not very crowded as it usually is.  We inquired only to find that the fireworks display had been cancelled. We were disappointed but decided to make the best of the situation. We walked around a bit and happened to go by a beautiful house with red poppies growing in the front yard.  They were beautiful.  I realized that God had led me to a visual of the true reason we celebrate the 4th. 


The sacrifice of many men and women that have given their lives a sacrifice to keep this country free. The red poppies were a reminder to me of how our country has stayed free these many years and the debt I owe each one by remembering them.     

This also reminded me that there is more than physical freedom.  It is a pleasure and a blessing to be physically free to lead our lives as we wish.  It also is important to be spiritually free.  The Bible points to freedom in Christ and doesn’t leave us wondering how to grab hold of this freedom.  It starts with acknowledging our brokenness and ends with choosing Jesus and following Him daily.  Only He can break the bonds of slavery and lead us to true freedom now and forever.

John 8:36 tells us “So if the Son (Jesus) sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

I pray you all are enjoying your summer and the pleasures it brings.  Enjoy your freedom – both physical and spiritual.

Love and prayers to each one of you.


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I have read many books on submarines and submarine warfare.  One thing that stands out to me is the relationship that the submariners had with their shipmates.   Did the crew always like one another?  Of course not.  However, they learned to get along because not doing so meant their survival could be jeopardized.  They all had to come together, put differences and personalities aside, and pull together to make the boat function to it’s potential.  One person could take the boat down.  They had each other’s back regardless of their personal feelings.    

It occurred to me that this is what is very much missing in today’s society.  We are a divided country right now.  Our survival as a free nation depends on putting our differences aside and pulling together to make our country work properly.  Of course we have to stand up for our beliefs but letting them divide us is another story completely.  We are all Americans and are in “life” together.

The scriptures tell us in Romans 12:18 “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone”.   To me this means that we are all responsible to be kind and loving towards one another and put our differences in perspective.


I pray that God will give each of you divine guidance in this day and time.  We need to be peacemakers.  Ultimately we all stand before God – alone.  We are responsible for our behavior.  Let us be known as people that find the good in others and bring peace and harmony to this world.

Many blessings to you all as we begin this summer.  May you all have a wonderful time with family and friends. 


By Chaplain Myra Meverden

I don’t watch many movies.  However, I do have one that is in my top 5 favorites.  It is an old movie.  I saw it years ago and fell in love with the characters and the theme.  The movie is “Kingdom Come”.  The storyline is the patriarch of the family suddenly dies.  When the country preacher visits the wife he asks her to tell him about her husband.  She simply says, “He was mean and surly”.  Now the preacher says that he has met the man and he thought that he seemed nice.  The matriarch says “that’s because you didn’t know him or live with him…he was mean and surly”.  The rest of the movie is the very dysfunctional family coming to terms with what was good about their deceased relative and how to honor a man that was “mean and surly”.  It reminded me of an old that says “Live your life so that the preacher doesn’t have to lie at your funeral”. This gives me pause as I think of how I come across to people, how I treat others, and what others will say about me some day when my time comes to leave this earth.  How about you?

The Bible has a few things to say about this issue.  Matthews 7:12 says “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets”.  Proverbs 15:1 says “A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger”.  Luke 10:27 says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind: and, Love your neighbor as yourself”.

These are some heavy scripture to fulfil.  Does God expect us to be perfect?  Of course not.  He knows we are human because He made us.  He does expect us to ask His help in fulfilling His commandment.  He is able to turn the hardest heart to His ways and the most “surly” person into a kind person.

As for me, I don’t want the preacher to have to lie at my funeral.  How about you?

Psalm 139:23 says “Search me, Oh God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts”.

Many blessings to one and all. 


by Chaplain Myra Meverden

Prayer has always been difficult for me.  When I first became a believer in Jesus, prayer was my biggest stumbling block.  I would try, but give up, frustrated that I was not doing it right.  I compared myself to people that I had heard pray the most eloquent prayers and, seemed to always have just the “right” thing to say. Overtime I learned that God doesn’t need my syrupy words or eloquent talk.  He simply wants me to talk to Him.  God desires a relationship with His followers and part of that is communication with him. 


If you don’t believe in Jesus, guess what – He still hears you, if you talk to Him.  I would encourage anyone that is doubtful that He exists, to talk to Him and tell Him you are having a hard time believing and to reveal the truth to you.  He will.   

Jesus’s disciples struggled also with prayer and they asked Jesus how they were to pray.  He gave them the Lord’s prayer found in Matthew 6 :9-12 as an example of how they were to pray.  

Paul writes in Philippines 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”. 


Does God always answer our prayers?  According to scripture He does. 1John 5:14 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us”.  What trips us up, however, is that “yes”, “no” and “not yet” are all valid answers.  Don’t get discouraged. 


If you don’t currently pray, give it a try.  Just talk to Him as if you were talking to your best friend. He can handle your problems.  Mathew 11:28 & 11:30 “come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”.

I pray that you all are enjoying this lovely spring weather.  May God bless you all richly and give you peace. 


I am so looking forward to seeing you all in person next month!


By Chaplain Myra Meverden

Andy and I just returned from a trip to one of our favorite places – the warm sandy beaches on the gulf coast of Florida.  This particular area has an abundance of shells so each morning we took a walk along the water’s edge and searched for the perfect one.


The shells were much like us humans – everyone was different.  A different color, a different shape, some near perfect ones but many were broken, chipped, faded from the sun, pretty colored ones and ones that were bland.  Some were beautiful and some had weathered the storms and waves so much that they had become rough around the edges and weren’t so pretty.  As humans, we all have eyes, nose, mouth, ears, etc. but we are all just a touch different.  Some pretty ones, some that are so-so, some that are weathered from the storms in our lives.  Unlike the shells, we are created in the image and likeness of God.  He made each of us the same but each is unique.  

Genesis 2:1-2 “When God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.  He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, He called them “man”.

God also created us with a body, soul, and spirit – unlike the shells.

I Thessalonians 5:23  “May the god himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

As humans, we are all created equal – no matter the outside covering.  No one is better, more worthy, or loved by God more than another person.  Treat each other in this manner.

Many blessings to you all as we continue to endure hardship and enjoy blessings here on this earth.  Love one another and support one another.  I miss you all.


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

While shopping at several local stores a few days ago I noticed that everywhere I looked there were chocolates. Every kind of chocolate you could imagine. Even the TV advertises chocolates that are sure to be your favorite.

The visual of all the chocolates always reminds me of the famous quote from Forrest Gump. " Life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you're gonna get".

I always think of that phrase this time of year but this year it is particularly meaningful to me. We wake up every morning unaware of what the day may hold for us. We've made our plans. Sometimes they even happen the way we want them, but we never know for sure do we? Our country is still in turmoil, the virus isn't under control yet and things are uncertain in many ways.

God knows that life is uncertain for us. No matter what chocolate you are "in the middle of" right now, God is there. Lamentations 3:22 tells us "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness". The steadfast love of God never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. It means that God's mercies are new, fresh, and abundant each day. He has good things to give you today that weren't available yesterday. Blessings that are custom tailored to what you will experience and struggle with today.

Take comfort my Bubblehead family. God is in control and He will watch over you and bless you if you will allow Him to do so.

I am so looking forward to when we can meet in person again!

Love and hugs to all.


           by Chaplain Myra Meverden

Prayer has always been difficult for me.  When I first became a believer in Jesus, prayer was my biggest stumbling block.  I would try, but give up, frustrated that I was not doing it right.  I compared myself to people that I had heard pray the most eloquent prayers and, seemed to always have just the “right” thing to say. Overtime I learned that God doesn’t need my syrupy words or eloquent talk.  He simply wants me to talk to Him.  God desires a relationship with His followers and part of that is communication with him. 


If you don’t believe in Jesus, guess what – He still hears you, if you talk to Him.  I would encourage anyone that is doubtful that He exists, to talk to Him and tell Him you are having a hard time believing and to reveal the truth to you.  He will.   

Jesus’s disciples struggled also with prayer and they asked Jesus how they were to pray.  He gave them the Lord’s prayer found in Matthew 6 :9-12 as an example of how they were to pray.  

Paul writes in Philippines 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”.  

Does God always answer our prayers?  According to scripture He does. 1John 5:14 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us”.  What trips us up, however, is that “yes”, “no” and “not yet” are all valid answers.  Don’t get discouraged.  

If you don’t currently pray, give it a try.  Just talk to Him as if you were talking to your best friend. He can handle your problems.  Mathew 11:28 & 11:30 “come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”.

I pray that you all are enjoying this lovely spring weather.  May God bless you all richly and give you peace. 


I am so looking forward to seeing you all in person next month!

You’ve chosen a terrific way of integrating images and text into your website. Move the image anywhere you want in this container and the text will automatically wrap around it. You can display events team members new products and more easily and creatively. To start add an image from the Image Picker and edit it as you would edit any image in the system. For example you can link the image to existing pages in your site a website URL a popup or an anchor. After you’ve chosen the image add your text. You can add text that describes the image you’ve selected or simply use the image for decorative purposes. \nYou’ve chosen a terrific way of integrating images and text into your website. Move the image anywhere you want in this container and the text will automatically wrap around it. You can display events team members new products more easily and creatively. To start add an image from the Image Picker and edit it as you would edit any image in the system. For example you can link the image to existing pages in your site a website URL a popup or an anchor. After you’ve chosen the image add your text. You can add text that describes the image you’ve selected or simply use the image for decorative purposes.

                    JANUARY 2021 BUBBLEHEAD BLESSING

By Chaplain Myra Meverden

I think it would be fair to say that 2020 was a challenge for us all. COVID swept and continues to sweep across the world leaving in its wake many deaths, anxious hearts, business closures, job losses, increased domestic abuse, suicides, etc. We eagerly look forward to a better year. 

In spite of the challenges, 2020 did bring some very good things. The ability to make a vaccine in such a short time is truly a miracle. I saw more random acts of kindness toward others and also experienced some of them myself. We pulled together and supported one another. Our nation is truly blessed and its people are very resilient. 

How do we face 2021? Obviously, there are no guarantees that it will be a perfect year. I found the following New Year’s Prayer and wanted to share it with you.

“May God make your year a happy one. Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain but by strengthening you to bear it as it comes. Not by making your path easy, but by making you sturdy to travel any path. Not by taking hardships from you but by taking fear from your heart. Not by granting you unbroken sunshine, but by keeping your face bright even in the shadow. Not by making your life always pleasant, but by showing you when people and their causes need you most, and by making you anxious to be there to help.”

God’s love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year ahead. May God give you the grace of fresh starts and new beginnings and may our fellowship grow sweeter and our bond stronger.

I miss all those hugs at our monthly meeting and pray that we will be able to resume in person meetings sometime during this coming year.

A happy and healthy new year to you all.

By Chaplain Myra Meverden

This has been a most unforgettable year. In a year dominated by an epidemic and filled with endless restrictions, it was hard to find joy sometimes. As we all strained to look for the light at the end of the tunnel, politics reared its head and overshadowed the pandemic with it’s own form of insanity. I doubt many of us will miss 2020 but we will never forget it. 

As we move towards the end of this year, let us look back at the joys that were there. They were there for sure, just a little harder to see. Our group pulled together, enjoyed our fellowship via Zoom (technology is a blessing), and supported each other with calls and visits when we could. Some of us managed to share a meal with a shipmates and that was truly a blessing. Our beloved Commander personally delivered a turkey dinner to a shipmate. Yes, we are blessed to have each other.

I pray that you will find it uplifting to celebrate the birth of Jesus in a few short weeks. As I drive through my neighborhood I notice more decorations and lights this year. Something about those twinkling lights that brighten my spirit and mood.
As you celebrate this year, try to remember why you are celebrating. Jesus is the light of this world and He will not be overshadowed by a virus or political disagreement. 

An old hymn comes to mind. “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into his wonderful face. And the things of earth will look strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

As you celebrate the holidays with those you love, remember to keep your eyes on Jesus and bask in His glory and grace.

Merry Christmas to all.   


BY CHAPLAIN Myra Meverden

I am not sure who wrote this cute “blessing mix” but it caught my attention. Sometimes it is hard for us to take our eyes off what is going on in this world and concentrate on what we have – family, friends, our shipmates, furry critters, etc. I hope this will be a reminder of what really matters in life.

May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving, eat more than you should, hug family a lot, and enjoy laughter with those you love. Never forgetting to give generously of your time and money to those less fortunate.

Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.”

Love and blessings to everyone.


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

As submariners, each time your boat went under you knew somewhere in your mind that there was a chance it might not come up. That was the risk you willingly took. Did you really like every guy on the boat? No! But you got along and prayed that he did his job well because your life depended on it.

Mathew 7 vs 12 tells us “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets”.

Autumn has always signaled “change” to me. The weather changes, nature changes from one season to the next, and our lives are in constant change. It seems like yesterday that my mother was buying school clothes for us girls and trying to decide our Halloween costumes. Time has flown by and here I am a lady in the “autumn” of my life – helping my grandchildren get ready for this season. 

Our country is certainly in a state of change. How different it is from the days of our youth. We see moral and societal changes when we turn on the TV or glance at a magazine. There is more hatred and division in our world than I ever remember or could have imagined.

It is time that we come back to the “Golden Rule” cited above, that we remember being drilled into us as children. It is time to focus on the blessings in our life, our family, our friends, and God’s provision for us. God tells us to treat others as we would want them to treat us. 

Philippians 4 vs 8 says “Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable - If there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

God is in control of our lives and our country. Let us be kind to one another and trust God for our future.     

A virtual hug and blessings to you all.   

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I grew up the oldest of 4 girls. This past June 13, my baby sister passed out at the wheel of her car and was unable to be resuscitated. My sisters and I are in shock as it was so unexpected.As I have had time to contemplate my relationship with my sister – and I have had lots of time – I have learned the importance of the joy of giving.

My sister had a lot of problems in her 20’s and 30’s with drugs, abusive relationship, and even some jail time. She became a Christian in her 40’s and since that time had tried so hard to live a good clean life. She was humble, had no sense of entitlement, and was grateful for every email, phone call, or Christmas/birthday gift I ever sent her. She was not successful by traditional standards and lived a very modest life with little left over at the end of the month. A year ago her car simply quit and she had no mode of transportation. She didn’t complain about it nor did she complain when her apartment had an outbreak of bedbugs a few months later and she had to destroy everything she owned.

We had an old car that Andy fixed up and we drove it down and gave it to her. Her gratitude was overwhelming and I will never forget the look of joy on her face. A few months later we bought her a new bed and had it delivered. She cried as she had never owned a new bed in her life. She wrote often to thank us and tell us how much she loved her “new” car and bed. It brought her joy.

Weird thing is, I think it brought me more joy! I realize that when I look back on my life that the times I remember great joy aren’t in things I received but in things that I have given away. Acts 20 tells us that “It is more blessed to give than receive”. Thinking of her happiness over the things we gave her has brought me great peace and joy.

Generosity comes not only in physical things. We can be generous with our time, kind words, hugs, phone calls to encourage, a smile. We have many things we can generously share with others.

 We are not guaranteed another minute on this earth so I encourage you not to put off doing kind and generous things. Look for opportunities to give of your time and talents. Live a life of generosity. Praying for someone is a wonderful gift also that makes more difference than some think.

Blessings and a big “virtual” hug to you all. I love and miss everyone and long for the day when we can have a “normal” meeting and can just enjoy each other’s company.



BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I used to think that I was flexible. I thought I could just “go with the flow” and that I could easily adapt to change.

I actually prided myself on that fact.

 Then the corona virus hit. I realized that I was indeed flexible as long as it didn’t actually impact my life. In other words,

I was faced with the fact that I wasn’t very flexible after all. I began to think of ways to cope.

 “Any port in a storm” is a welcome thing. We’ve all heard that phrase. Most of us have a port in the storm. We have ways we cope with change. Some positive ways and some not so positive ways.

I admit that even though I am a believer in Jesus that I floundered for a while. He is my “port in the storm” but it took me a while to get there. The following scriptures have been my stronghold in this crisis.

Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” All that Jesus was yesterday that we read about in the Bible,

He is today
.Jeremiah 31:3 “I have loved you with an everlasting love”. The love of God can not be taken from us.

Isaiah 40:8  “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of God lasts forever.” We can build our life on a foundation that can’t be changed.
I pray that you all have found your “port in this storm”. As all you submariners know – a storm doesn’t last forever.

The sun does eventually come out and the seas calm.

Love and a virtual hug to you all. Enjoy the rest of your summer. 



BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I have a good friend that lives in another state. I wrote her last week and asked her how she was doing.  Her answer – “I am content.”  

I found this quote from Socrates “He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have”.  So, are you contented? 

The apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians.  He was in prison in shackles when he wrote this book.  He says in Philippians 4:12-13 “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Paul had every reason to be discontented.  He was in prison for teaching about Jesus.  Would I have thought myself “content” under similar circumstances?

I had a conversation with our shipmate Bill Staab a few months before he passed away.  I asked how he was.  He told me that he was grateful for the wonderful life that God had given him and wanted to live the rest of his life with a grateful heart.  Life circumstances, world situations, or poor health can make us bitter or better.  Bill apparently chose to be better.  It made him a delight to be around and he is missed by all. 

Our nation is going through some challenging times.  There is political unrest and people are divided.  The covid virus has separated us from those we love and cherish.  Many are in financial ruin.  It can be challenging to feel contented.

Contentment isn’t something that is found, it is an attitude. Let’s strive to find that place of contentment in the midst of the challenges we face.

Love and a virtual hug to everyone!  I miss you and long for the day when we can meet again. 


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

This past weekend I heard something new to me. I know that many of you probably already know this but I found out that kangaroos can not hop backwards. It makes sense but it just never occurred to me.

This tidbit of information seems very appropriate for our current situation. We can’t go backward and “undo” the virus, change reactions to it, and it seems pointless to speculate how it came into being. It just is and we have to deal with the present and the future. The past won’t help us much except to learn what better we can do in the future.

2 Corinthians tells us “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”. We also learn that the Bible says “I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more” (Jeremiah 31:34) How is this possible to forget our sins? On a human level it isn’t. But with God it is possible. He is able to blot out our sins so completely that it is as if they had never existed. It is fruitless to “hop” backward and live our lives controlled by our past mistakes. God forgives and then forgets. We can learn from them. Memories don’t fade as quickly as we would like sometimes but we don’t have to let them control our future. Ephesians 4:24 tells us “and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth”.

As our country starts to open up and tries to put the virus behind us, let us look to the future and not to the past. Hold dearly your loved ones, cherish your freedoms, and let God forget the past.

May you all have a blessed, healthy, summer with those you love.

By Chaplain Myra Meverden

In October, 2018, hurricane Michael hit the panhandle of Florida.  It was the first recorded hurricane to impact the panhandle of Florida directly and the 4th strongest landfalling hurricane recorded in the contiguous US.  It was a category 5!  One house in particular withstood this monster of a storm.  The man that built this house was Dr. Lebron Lackey.  When asked why his house stood when all others did not, he simply said that he had built it over and above code.  He had built a very firm foundation that could withstand such high winds.
Mathew 7:24-25 says “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock”.

What is your foundation made of?  What do you rely on when the high winds come and the rain floods your area or you are in fear of a deadly virus that you can’t see?  I Corinthians 3:10-11 “By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it.  But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

I would challenge each of you to think about what you stand on, lean on, and hope in when times get tough.  We are living in unprecedented times and our foundation needs to be solid.

We are getting closer to being on “the other side” of this virus.  Pray that our foundation will stand firm and we will enjoy our regular meetings soon!!

Blessings and good health to all!!

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that the world would be going through this crisis today.  Isolated from friends and family and praying we can find enough t.p to get us through    Many are worried about health issues and are lonely.
I know you Bubbleheads have a better tolerance than the average person.  All of you have been separated from friends and family for lengthy periods of time and many were in fear for your lives as you performed serious duties under the many feet of ocean above you.   How did you cope?  You were among your “brothers” that were experiencing the same thing.  You all understood and supported one another. You laughed, played games, and went about doing your assigned duties.

Today we are unable to meet face to face, hug one another, or even shake hands.  However, our hearts are still on the same page, experiencing much of the same thing.  It won’t last forever, and we will get through all this!  Take this time to call one another and encourage them.  Help wherever you can.

The scripture that is most meaningful to me at this time is the 23rd Psalm.
“The Lord is my shepherd.  I shall not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul.  He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Please take care of yourself and your family.  Reach out to one another, pray for your government, the first responders, and those on the front line of this. We will have a wonderful celebration with lots of hugs when we are allowed to have another meeting.  May God bless you all richly and protect you.


To my dear Bubblehead friends and family, 

Feb 15 thru Feb 29, Andy and I frolicked on the beautiful gulf on Sanibel Island, had wonderful food and lots of early morning and late evening walks along the shore with our feet in the warm waters.  What a difference to our current situation.  This virus has changed our lives almost overnight.  We are now isolated from the ones we care about and are dealing with empty shelves at the grocery store. 
I am reminded that we are only required to live one day at a time.  Sometimes, one minute at a time. 

The future is so uncertain even in the good times.  We can speculate about our health, wealth, and just what the future holds for each of us.  Since I am the type person that likes to know the score of the football game BEFORE the game, this has always been a source of fear for me.  For sure, I am a follower of Jesus and do have a certainty that I will be with Him in heaven eventually.  It’s the “inbetween” that can sometimes cause me to be a bit anxious.  Most of our vices are rooted in the future.  Gratitude looks to the past and love looks to the present.  Fear and ambition look to the future.  

Mathew 6:25-26  tells us “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about the body, what you will wear.  Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”
I am praying for you all.  Our Heavenly Father is in control.  We will get through this and we will get through it together.  Make phone calls to your friends and offer a hand however you can.  Just a phone call can help us all stay connected and be of support to one another.

May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.  Amen!

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden
As I look back over my life I am impressed with one word and how it has impacted my life.  That word is “IF”.  Such a little big word!

IF I had not gone to nursing school, I wouldn’t be a nurse today. IF, I hadn’t gone to nursing school I wouldn’t have had the same opportunity to follow a friend in signing up for the military. IF, I had not signed up for the military I would not have met my first husband and had my oldest daughter. The list goes on from there.
There are so many “if’s” in our life.  As we go through life we make choices and only in hindsight do we wonder “what if” I had not done a certain thing or “what if I had chosen a certain path instead of the one I did. Unfortunately, we are given one life and whichever path we chose is the one that we live with. We can’t go back and redo that “IF”. We can alter our path IF we chose another direction but we can never redo the time that has already past.
I Corinthians 15:1-2 tells us “Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand.  By this gospel you are saved, IF you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise you have believed in vain.”

As you contemplate the “IF’s” in your life and imagine how your life could have turned out very differently, consider what Jesus is saying.  That small word “IF” makes the difference in belief and unbelief and it makes the difference in your salvation.

I pray that each of you had a wonderful January and will be blessed beyond measure in February.  

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

There are so many “firsts” in life.  It begins at infancy when our mothers kept a close record of our first step, our first words, the first tooth that came out, our first day at school – and the list goes on and on.  We tend to keep track of our “firsts” as we age.  Our first date, our first kiss, graduation from school, our first child.  Each of our brains are full of “firsts”.  Some good ones and some bad ones but they each taught us something about ourselves.

Each year on December 31 at the stroke of midnight we begin the first minute of the next year of our life.  Will it be good?  What kind of challenges will it bring?  What do we want to leave behind?  What might we want to change in the new year?

Lamentations 3:22-24 says “This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope.  It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness.”
We see the beauty of a new day, a new morning, a new year. God says that new mercies await us each day.  Each day we live is another day to decide to do good, to be a good person, to achieve our goals, to be a good friend, to love one another and to be loved.  We are blessed to be in our group and enjoy the wonderful fellowship and love we have for each other .We are a blessed people that live in a free and blessed nation.  Let us be excited about what the new year has for us.  Each day brings new things. 

Anticipate the things God has for you in the new year. 

Many blessings and good things in 2020!   

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

My December Bubblehead is usually upbeat and about the true meaning of Christmas and the joys of the season.  This year I am at loss almost for words to express what I truly want to say.

Our club has experienced many losses the past few months – loss of a beloved bunkmate, loss of a wife, two beloved brothers of the submarine service, along with several of our ranks experiencing life threatening illness.  It seems inappropriate to write such a devotional.
Instead, I am wanting to let you know how much I love and care for you all.  I pray for all of you – whether you believe as I do or not. 

None of us enjoys the sad times in our lives, yet they are sure to come to us all.   
When I think about the sad times in my own life I can now see that they don’t last forever.  We will always have an empty spot in our hearts over the loss of a loved one but the overwhelming grief does not last forever.  We are most blessed in our group to be around friends that love us and care for us and can help us through these difficult times. 

Isaiah 41:10 tells us “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” 
This holiday season, hold dear your loved ones.  Make amends with those you have a conflict with.  Jesus came as a baby to set us free from the consequences of sin and death.  Belief in Him can gain you eternal life and for that, we can rejoice and be glad.  Jesus came to bring us His joy and peace and in Him we can find it, even in the face of our sadness and loss.

May you all have a blessed Christmas filled with the joy of the reason we celebrate this time of year.  Make memories that will last forever with your families.

God’s blessings and peace be upon you all.     

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I admit that I am a very picky eater.  Always have been.  I have gotten better over the years but as hard as I try there are just many food that are yucky to me.  I watch others eat and I seem to always ask “How does it taste”?  I never get the answer I want.  Simply because it is impossible to tell someone how something tastes.  You can describe it in many ways but unless you actually put it in your mouth and chew, you have no idea how it really tastes.

I often talk to people about my Christian beliefs.  I get varied responses from disbelief to ambivalence to annoyance or disgust.  Sometimes, true interest.  The truth is that no one can know what it feels like to be a Christian until you actually try it.  No one can know what it feels like to have a personal relationship with Jesus until they have one. 

Josh McDowell was a college student and he was also an atheist.  A professor challenged him to refute the claims of Christ to be the Messiah and Savior of us all.  Josh searched and searched and started first to determine how the Bible was written and if it was true.  He came to the conclusion that the Bible had more scientific evidence for it’s validity than any other book around.  Once he decided that the Bible was valid he was challenged to figure out about this Jesus that he had heard others talk about.  After much research, he came to the conclusion that either Jesus was crazy – thinking he was God, or that he was a liar – knowing that he wasn’t God but pretending to be, or that he was truly who he said he was – the true Christ.  An atheist becomes a true believe of Jesus as the Messiah through trying it on.  Actually researching and tasting the truth of the words that are in the Bible.
As we go into the Thanksgiving season and eat all sorts of good and yummy things, remember that there are some that have no idea what that turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce taste like.  Describing it to them won’t help.  They have to “taste” for themselves.

May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and find many things to be grateful for.  Fill your tummies with good food and your hearts with gratitude for all you have.

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Autumn is such a wonderful time to observe nature in all her beauty.  Andy and I had an opportunity this last week to take a drive over Guanella Pass.  The aspen trees were gorgeous and you could see beautiful yellow and red leaves blowing in the breeze. I do love summer and part of me longs to want to hang on to it just a little longer but nature graciously listens to its Maker rather than to my desires. The leaves have served their purpose, performed well but their time has drawn to a close.  The fruit of the trees have been harvested and the
trees drop the dead leaves and begins to store up for next year. 

They provide a lesson for us all.  Just as the trees don’t stubbornly hold on to their dead leaves, so we shouldn’t hold on to any unnecessary weight in our own lives. Holding on to the old can inhibit growth of the new. It is also a time when we should be grateful to our Maker for the growth we enjoyed during the past season.

Fall is the perfect time to “download” the things in our life that are no longer necessary and go into the winter with thoughts of resting and preparing for a new season of our life. 

As we fast approach this time of the year I encourage you to let go of things that are holding you down.   Hebrews Chapter 12 verse 1 says “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”.

May God’s blessings abound in your lives.   

By Chaplain Myra Meverden

Labor day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September.  It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. (taken from The History Channel…labor day facts)
Some of us love it, some hate it, some see it as a something that has to be done, some overdo it, some don’t do enough.  However, since the beginning of time we have all been dependent on work or the results of someone else’s work for our survival.  It dictates our lifestyle, when we get up, how we dress, and many times the friends we have.

Work was instituted by God. The first job was given to Adam in the Garden of Eden.  Genesis 2 vs. 15 says “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it”.  In Genesis chapter 3, we see God telling Adam to name all the beasts of the field and the birds of the air.  Colossians chapter 3 vs 23 tells us “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men”.

This past Labor Day was special for me.  I was able to travel to North Dakota to see my oldest daughter get married at the age of 46.  She has worked hard and maintained a debt free lifestyle for many years and has now found her soulmate. Lots of work went into preparation but we were rewarded with a beautiful, meaningful, ceremony.  Many wonderful memories were made.

I pray that you all can look at your past work experiences in the submarine service and out in civilian life with satisfaction and rejoice that you were given the ability to do them.  “Ridin’ the boats” was not an easy job and I am proud of you all for your dedication and hard work. We are a safer nation because of your dedication and service.
May God bless you all.   

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I took typing in High School.  In fact, I was very good at it.  Typing reports for other students was a way I made income during my college days.  I would pack up several essays that I had to type and head to the library.  One time I typed a whole essay and at the end of the first page I realized that I had my fingers on the wrong “home keys”.  What a mess!!  There wasn’t one word that was correct.  I wasted precious time by not paying attention to my hand placement on the old manual typewriter.

If we desire to know and understand God and find out what He wants for us and our lives, we need to have our fingers on the “home keys”.  The home keys are the words in the Bible.  If our goal is to learn His ways, and to understand His purpose for this world and for us individually, then we need to go to the source.  The knowledge of God we glean from Scripture serves as an invaluable foundation.  We learn His plan of redemption, His promises, and his character.

When we take our fingers off the home keys and put our trust in other ways, things don’t always turn out as we expected.  It is easy to get into situations where nothing makes sense.

While we enjoy hot days of summer, feeling like just kicking back and sipping tea (or other summer beverage!) on the patio, pick up the Bible and give it a try.  You might be surprised at what you learn.

Enjoy this wonderful summer along with the heat.  Being a southern girl at heart I know that the white stuff they call snow will be here way before I are ready.
Blessings to you all.

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Exodus chapters 14 – 17 tell us the story of God rescuing His people, the Israelites, from the hands of the Egyptians.  The Pharoah of Egypt had oppressed the Israelites and subjected them to harsh, oppressive, and enforced labor. God sent Moses to rescue them from the hands of the Pharoah and lead them to freedom. Moses interceded for the people on God’s behalf.

Through God’s mighty power, Moses was able to part the Red Sea leading the Israelites to freedom.  Initially the people rejoiced with song and dance at their new freedom.  However, it didn’t take long for them to start complaining.  They complained to Moses about the water and the food until Moses was so frustrated that he began to wonder if he had done the right thing.

Our forefathers and founders of this great country fought a long, hard battle with the loss of many lives to create a free nation.  Over the years many men and women have fought and continue to fight to keep this country free.  
You would think we would be a very grateful bunch of people.  However, every day I hear people complaining about a multitude of things. We are such a privileged nation that people from around the world come here in search of freedom and the “American dream”.

Are things perfect? Of course not!           Will they ever be perfect?  Of course not!

It is up to us to embrace our freedoms and be grateful for everything we have.  This July please take a minute or two to realize that you are truly blessed beyond measure.  Give thanks to our ancestors for the heritage we have received.  Pledge to do your part to keep this country free.

Psalm 126:3  “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with  joy.”     

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden
Several years ago Andy and I were in Yellowstone.  What a beautiful place, filled with many incredible things of nature to enjoy.

We were relaxing at a pull out on the side of the road, watching the water flow in a stream.  There was a tree growing out of this huge boulder. The leaves were very much alive and it was obvious that it was thriving.

I began to wonder how such a thing could be.  The little seed that had been deposited into a crack in the rock had to have dug it’s roots mighty deep to reach water to survive and thrive.
A verse in Colossians came to my mind.  Chapter 2 verse 7 says “Let your roots grow down in to Him, and let your lives be built on Him.  Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught and you will overflow with thankfulness.”

Just as this beautiful little tree had to sink it’s roots very deep to find water to survive, we too must sink our roots deep into the Word of God and we will begin to thrive as well.  
Revelation tells us “Then He said to me, “It is done.  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of water of life without cost.”

I pray each of you will receive this living water that is given without cost so that your roots may grow deep and you may thrive.

May you all have a wonderful time with family as we go into summer.    


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Several years ago I read an article that had a statement that made an impression on me.  It was an article on compatibility.  It was the author’s opinion that it is not how we “agree” with each other but how we “disagree” that defines our ability to get along in life.  I have had acquaintances that I thought were friends until we happened to disagree on a topic.  The true person seems to show through in those times.
James 1:9 tells us “Let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry. For a man’s anger does not promote the righteousness of God.”  God gave us two ears but only one mouth – listen twice as much as you speak!

As we go through life it is important to remember to be kinder than necessary for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Be a positive influence on those around you. 

You Bubbleheads are a blessing to me.  I so enjoy getting those hugs and smiles every month at our meeting.  It is uplifting and I thank you.  Remember to be kind to your family and friends.  The best time to give hugs, I love you’s, and positive affirmation is today. 

Have a wonderful spring and summer. 


 BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

Have you ever tried talking with someone about a problem they have not experienced and listened to their advice?   As you walk away you realize that was a huge waste of time.

I have talked with some that are shocked when dad (or mom) dies and they start hearing about their parent’s military service.  I hear “they just never wanted to talk about it”.  There are some things in life that only someone that has walked that same walk would understand.  When you are around someone that has “been there….done that” it is safe to open up, knowing that the other person totally gets it.
The Bible tells us in Hebrews 14:15-16 “for we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.  Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

This is the month that Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The scriptures tell us that He is not a distant God but one who can sympathize with our weaknesses and help us in our time of need.  
Enjoy time with your family and remember the reason for Easter –  Jesus died for our sins that those who believe will receive forgiveness and eternal life.
Blessings to you all.

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I missed the last meeting in February.  Andy and I were frolicking on the beach on Ft Myers with temperatures in the 70’s.  The sand and water were wonderful.  As usual, I looked for shells.  I love sea shells.
We would take an early morning walk along the beach before most people were up and about.  Sometimes I would see a beautiful shell but when I picked it up I realized that the other side had holes and barnacles or was just missing.  I also noticed  one time I moved a ragged shell to get to what I thought was a nice one and realized it was gorgeous on the other side.  How alike we are to these shells!!

Have you ever judged someone – a homeless person, a handicapped person, or just a person that God just didn’t make as attractive as others?  However, once you got to see “the other side” you could realize the beauty of that person?  Of course,  he opposite is true – beautiful people, seeming like they are caring, loving and honest but once you know them they are just hypocrites and someone you can’t trust as far as you can throw them?  It made me realize how judgemental we are with the “exterior” of a person and sometimes miss the “jewel” on the inside.
I Samuel 16:7  “ But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart”.

May we all take time to get to know people and try to find that jewel on the inside.  Judge not……least you be judged!

I love each one of you – yes, just as you are!  I see the kind hearts and loving people that you are.  Have a wonderful March as we hopefully will go gracefully into spring. 

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

I was teaching my Sunday School youth group this morning - a group of 11 and 12 year old boys and girls.  One girl admitted that she sometimes hated her mother but then she would realize that she also loved her mother.  Having both emotions for the same person confused her.

Love is a complex word.  We “love” our pets, we “love” our spouse, we “love” our children, we “love” our friends, we “love” ice cream, and some of us love our God.  Unlike the English language, the Greek language has different words for the different kinds of love. 

Just before Jesus was crucified he spoke to his disciples.  John 13:34 says “A new command I give you. Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another”.  The word “love” that is used here is “agape”.  Agape love is the highest form of love.  It is unconditional love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstance.
To all my bubblehead friends, this month the stores are full of cards, flowers, gifts of all sorts that are meant to show our love for another person.  Remember that love is not in a gift but is something that comes from the heart.  Gifts are wonderful but true agape love comes from our hearts by the grace of God.  Show love by your actions to your friends and family on a daily basis.  Sow words of kindness, help a friend in need, and realize that everyone is dealing with something in their life.  Your support and encouragement means more than you may ever know. 


BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

How was 2018 for you?  Was it filled with memorable times or times you want to forget?  Mine was filled with both – some wonderful times and some I wish I could erase from my mind but can’t.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:45 that “He causes his sun to rise on the righteous and the unrighteous and sends rain on the evil and the good”.  No matter if you are the most saintly person or the worst in history, your life is filled with ups and downs.  Bad things do happen to good people and good things do happen to evil people.  It is a fact that we can’t change.

We know that our lives on earth will never be perfect, that we will have really bad things and really good things all in the course of a year.  The Boy Scout moto is “be prepared”.  That works for me. How to you prepare you might ask.  I have some suggestions.

Have a network of friends that you can rely on.  Remember Job from the Bible?  His friends just sat with him, saying nothing, for a whole week.  It was comforting to Job that he wasn’t alone in his suffering.

There is rainbow after the storm.  Our pain and suffering won’t last forever. Days of beautiful weather are just around the corner.

The Bible tells us that “God will never leave us nor forsake us”.  You are never truly alone.  God is always with you and knows your burden.  Jesus was ridiculed, mocked, and killed – He does understand your pain.  Reach your hand and heart to Him when you are hurting.  He truly gives “peace that surpasses understanding”.

My Bubblehead buddies, I love and pray for each of you and your families.  My prayer for you for 2019 is that you will have more ups than downs. Praise the giver of all good things, Jesus, when the going is good and cling to Him for comfort when things aren’t so good.

May God bless you and keep you, may He shine His face upon you and give you peace. 

BY Chaplain Myra Meverden

There have been years in my life that I dreaded the Christmas holiday.  So many things to do, not enough time or money.  Sick kids, me sick. Family that didn’t get along or kids that were far away and were not able to come home.  I’m sure you could probably add some things to my list.

When I was 31 years old I discovered the real reason we celebrate Christmas.  No, Christ was not born on December 25th.  However, it is the date that Christians choose to celebrate His birth.  This changed my perspective from how perfect (or imperfect) my own life was, to the celebration of Jesus and what HIS birth means to me. 
I would challenge you to consider why you celebrate Christmas other than the fact that it is “tradition”.  To me it is the birth of Jesus, the Lord and Savior of the world.

Luke 2:10-14 “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you. You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manager.  Suddenly a great company of heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth, peace to those on whom HIS favor rests”.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas with little stress and lots of joy and thankfulness for the good things you have in your life.   

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